Don Edwards Wonder Woman

Don Edwards Wonder Woman

Artist Don Edwards Donates to Comic Art Community Fundraiser

The artist Don Edwards has donated a piece of original Wonder Woman art to Comic Art Community to raise money for the server upgrade fundraiser.

Wonder Woman by Don Edwards
11″x17″ – fine pencils on Comic Book Art Board.
Fundraising Auction for Comic Art Community Gallery

Please note: This item has SOLD.

Don Edwards was born in Washington, DC on June 8th, 1972. He’s currently the artist on The Webcomic Factory’s “Olde Tyme Gamer”, a weekly web-comic series exploring the life and mindset of a gamer in his 40s created and written by celebrated writer Tony DiGerolamo.

Don also serves up the artistic chores on another web-comic series entitled, “Unity 7”, about a woman’s journey to find the truth about herself and her mysterious past, written by award winning scribe Gary Mraz.

He’s also developing what he hopes to be the awesome web-comic ever, chronicling the adventures of an Unemployed Duck who has to save the world from the Purple Emperor Tidbit and his mission to initiate a hostile takeover and recreate everything into a mindless but evilly profitable retail outlet chain.

You can find more of Don’s art over on his blog at, his DeviantArt account over at . Feel free to friend him on Facebook ( or follow his exploits on Twitter (@GreenDuckie) (#oldetymegamer).