Batman #10 Cover

Batman #10 Cover

Batman #10 Review by Derf

Writer: Scott Snyder; Pencils: Greg Capullo; Inks: Jonathan Glapion; Colors: FCO Plascencia; Letters: Richard Starkings & Comicraft’s Jimmy B; Cover: Greg Capullo and FCO Plascencia; Variant cover: Rafael Albuquerque; Editor: Mike Marts; Assistant Editor: Katie Kubert
Batman created by Bob Kane

You thought the Night of Owls had some surprises; well the aftermath has its surprises too. In this issue, we find Batman trying to find the brains behind the brawn of the owls. Being the great detective that he is, he manages to put the pieces together. And when he does we are in for a shock, one of the targets was actually one of the talons.

I could not put this book down. Some of the revelations is this issue is guaranteed to change what you know about Batman’s past, present, and future. The writing in the Batman series since the beginning of the new 52 has been phenomenal! Scott Snyder is a brilliant writer and I am looking forward to see what happens in issue #11.
The writing is so good, I can actually see it being made into a screenplay for a Batman animated movie. The Batman titles have not let me down yet! Great Writing + Great Art = one damn good book!

As I said in my last review, DC Comics have a real hit in the new 52, especially with the Bat titles. Marvel needs to take a look and see what DC is doing to bring some life back into their titles.


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