With a series obviously named Batman ’66 Meets Wonder Woman ’77, of course Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince are going to meet. But, this concept adds several elements. The first is Wayne as a wealthy philanthropist and Prince an agent of the IADC which sets a stage not unlike what has been established in the other Batman ’66 crossovers (with U.N.C.L.E. and the Avengers). Added to this is the dimension of both having their own secrets in their alter egos. But what maybe most intriguing is the elements of romance between Batman and Wonder Woman in the cartoons and comics and the penchant of Wayne and Prince finding love in their respective series. While unlikely the series will focus too heavily on a relationship beyond their costumed identities, it should not be forgotten that the foe they face is Ra’s al Ghul who, in the comics, is often joined by his daughter Talia. Obviously, Talia and Batman’s relationship is well known in the comics (even eventually having a child together). This opens the door for a love triangle, or, to be more complicated, something between Batman and Talia and something else between Wayne and Prince.
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