Herb Trimpe

<p>Herb Trimpe spent 29 years in the comic world as an artist (1967-1996). First hired as a production assistant by editor Stan Lee, Herb showed a strong and visually different style of drawing, and was soon drawing many of Marvel's biggest and best characters. For three decades, Herb had, at one time or another, the opportunity to draw virtually every character in the Marvel universe. Probably best known for his runs on HULK and DEFENDERS, it was Herb Trimpe who penciled the first appearance of WOLVERINE. Herb also penciled other titles including WEST COAST AVENGERS, QUASAR, and the often forgotten GODZILLA, and SHOGUN WARRIORS. With the recent revival of properties from the 70's and 80's, don't be surprised if Trimpe art associated with Godzilla and Shogun Warriors takes a steep rise in demand by collectors. On a side note, Herb Trimpe did not leave comics on his own accord. With the dramatic influx of new creators in the mid-90's, Herb was asked to draw in a more 'modern' way, and that was just not Herb's way. His art was, and still is, unique among the comic community. <br /> </p><br /> <p>Learn more about Herb Trimpe at his website:</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li type="circle"><a href="http://herbtrimpe.com/" target="_blank">Herb Trimpe.com</a><br /> </ul><br /> <p>*Thanks to writer <a href="mailto:bn.hilden@ns.sympatico.ca">Hal Hilden</a> for the bio! Thanks to Herb himself for blessing this gallery and permitting us to use the images of his art.</p><br /> <p>If you have Herb Trimpe art to share, please <a href="http://www.comicartcommunity.com/gallery/register.php">register</a> and <a href="http://www.comicartcommunity.com/gallery/member.php?action=uploadform">upload</a>!</p> (Hits: 115467)

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